Specifications :-
Cold Box 5.5 ltr external surface material is made of LLDPE
Cold Box 5.5 ltr internal lining material is made of LLDPE
Cold Box 5.5 ltr is also known as Small Cold Box, Long Range
WHO PIS Reference Number : PQS E-004/045
The Vaccine Storage Capacity is 5.5 Litres
The fully loaded Weight is 22.33 Kgs.
The Empty Weight with empty icepacks is 9.4 Kgs.
The Insulation Material is made of CFC free Polyurethane
The thickness of Insulation is 100 mm
The External Dimensions are (L x W x H) 54 x 44.5 x 41.5 cms
The Internal dimensions are (L x W x H) 35 x 28 x 24 cms
The Vaccine Storage Dimensions are (L x W x H) 27 x 20 x 10.3 cms
The storage box and the Lid are Hinged & Removable
Total Number of Ice packs required are 15 which are supplied with the unit
Ice-packs type : E5/IP.2
The Volume of each Icepack : 0.60 Litres
The Cold Life Requirement as per WHO at 43 deg C ± 1 deg C without opening should be Minimum 90 Hours and the Actual Cold Life without opening 43 deg C ± 1 deg C as Tested by WHO approved Testing Lab, PSB, Singapore is 107.5 Hours
Warm Life at -20oC is 33.7 Hours
Cool Life at +43oC is 22.9 Hours